Were you a misfit growing up? What do you think is the strength of telling stories about misfits?
It’s a show about a misfit study group in a community college, and a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with communities. Or colleges. Claymation christmas specials, paintball wars, epic pillow forts, alternate timelines, Dungeons and Dragons, the ass crack bandit??
As an often-misfit myself, I got it. Because the thing about not belonging? Most of us don’t. Until we find a bunch of people that also don’t belong, and then suddenly we do. It’s an outcast paradox that Dr. Who would be proud of.
And I wasn’t alone, because the gleeful bastion of creativity that was Community had enough people loving this show—and I mean really, really, loving this show—that it could not be killed. Yes, I’m looking at you Reddit. These guys even started their own self-funded fan conference?! (CommuniCon, look it up). After five seasons and a cancellation, the oft-tweeted prophecy came true. #sixseasonsandamovie had a new lease on life by way of a hail-mary contract with Yahoo, of all places.
Yes, Yahoo. I know. Email. Kim Kardashian stories. And now, a show beloved by millions.
Was bringing back a new season to rabid fans an intimidating task?
Bringing the new season back to that many crazed fans may have been intimidating, but as soon as we started to get a taste of this crowd, it was clear they worshipped the ground Yahoo walked on for extending an olive branch to Their Show. Didn’t hurt that NBC only gave them 5 bucks and a sandwich board to advertise the first five seasons. So really, we could do no wrong. Even so, we set a high bar for ourselves—this was going to be a bloody well-marketed show if it killed us.