No pressure for all these authors, memoirists, and poets, but the bar is set pretty high before even getting past the dust jacket.
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Pitchfork Enlists 12 Artists to Render Radiohead’s OK Computer
Pitchfork Enlists 12 Artists to Render Radiohead’s OK Computer
Radiohead's masterful third album OK Computer is now pretty old, and so are you. But that's okay. Because Pitchfork has set out a fresh path down memory lane, guaranteed to make you fitter and happier. They've enlisted 12 visual artists to visualize the 12 songs from the band's beloved release, which just turned 20. We personally recommend listening to each track while staring at the respective artist's contribution for the duration, or until your eyes start to water. Pitchfork has dedicated a whole week of their site to OK Computer so if the electrifying work from these designers and artists sparks a fire, as it should, head over that way and nerd away.