If you're a writer, you're most likely currently struggling to make sufficient progress on a project. If you're a writer and you don't struggle, get in touch with us so we can share with others how you bottled that magic. WNW Member Brittany Poole knows that for most of us, external and internal distractions do what they do and get in the way. Which is why she started hosting Local Writer's Retreats out of her creativity-tailored home in Santa Monica. So to the 99.9% of writers: What are you doing this Saturday?
Below, we talk to Brittany about this latest endeavor. In 2015, she co-founded HUSH, a database of the world’s best spots for a digital detox. So she's essentially an expert on combatting distraction. "Most creatives, myself included, are already masters at putting barriers in their own way. We like to make things black and white. Like, one day I’ll be so rich, I can quit my job, get a villa in Tuscany and finish that novel. When really, you could start this Saturday. It just might not be as sexy. So I felt like a local retreat could help bridge some of those barriers for people and eliminate some of those excuses."
What separates Brittany's eight-hour retreats are the minimal price tag (which includes lunch, a happy hour, and a fresh, bottomless mug of coffee), and the no-bullshit simplicity. (There are no critiques or unnecessary lectures.) She has a space that has helped fuel her creativity and she wants to share it. "The Local Writer’s Retreat is super personal. People are making a commitment to themselves to show up and put eight solid hours into their work (whether it’s a screenplay, an article, a standup set, a blog post, or even just some personal journaling). It’s their time. So I don’t really have a lot of rules, except maybe don’t blast the Black Eyed Peas through your headphones. Rihanna’s probably fine though."
Sign up for a retreat this Saturday, or one (or both!) of the two that Brittany is hosting in July. You can use the code 'WNW' to get $10 off if you sign up for this Saturday's retreat before Friday.