Five Trends in Creative Recruitment That Will Be With Us in 2022
Joe Visconti / Customer Success Manager at Working Not Working
Remote-first job opportunities will continue to be more attractive to more and more workers. Creative labor is a part of the knowledge work that underpins the world’s most developed economies, so if you are looking to hire creatives and want them in a physical office, be explicit about the value your company or team has observed from in-person work. Anyone who has worked remotely through this pandemic can point to examples of how they created value from the relative comfort of their own home.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion claims made in the throes of 2020 social justice movements are now subject to re-examination. If your company made good on promises to expand its employee backgrounds, potential new hires will want to know about it. And if your company has not, prepare to talk about those challenges with candidates.
Hiring is a Brand Experience and the companies that recognize that will outcompete those that do not. Some fundamentals of treating hiring as a brand experience include responding to all applicants (even with boilerplate copy), having a compelling story about why employees choose to work with you and stick around, and looking for talent beyond resume keyword-matching. A desire to work with your company should be reciprocated with humanity.
“A desire to work with your company should be reciprocated with humanity.”
Competition for Talent is Evolving as every corner of the economy is now engaged with digital transformation at some level. For the traditional agency recruitment world, that means competition for talent from more tech companies with wide-ranging suites of services. Our suggestion is to develop a strong narrative about why your company is a great place to work (hint: it probably has something to do with who works for you and the culture you tend to).
Creative applicants want to know who recruiters are because they are the first encounter with a company. Passion, competence, and humanity are the most important qualities any recruiter can have, and getting that across to candidates should always be a part of your recruitment strategy.