Asking Not Asking #24: In Search of Patience

I graduated top of my class and it’s humbling to be a small fish in a big pond again. I know I’ll get better in time, but I’m struggling to be patient with myself and my career. How long does it take to get really good at something? To be recognized? To have better opportunities?

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Asking Not Asking #17: The Girl Who Got Lost in the Fire

“I’ve tried side projects, going on art-dates with myself, taking self-care days. I’ve tried making up small projects just for me, but I can’t seem to find the motivation or passion to do it. I feel trapped in this illusion of freelance because I constantly feel I can do it better, do more, do things differently, but every time I have some time off, I feel paralyzed and tired.”

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Asking Not Asking #16: Searching for Fulfillment

“Options I am considering: 1) Go back to school to get an MBA in Marketing and do…marketing?…somewhere? 2) Leave and start my own photography and design studio. Options I’m definitely NOT considering: Staying where I am. I’m so ready to jump that I can feel the wind in my face.”

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Asking Not Asking #14: Unqualified

“One of the real surprises of this process has been finding what I think is the type of work I want to make. Before getting sick, I actually never had ideas for personal work. I always felt blocked…It feels daunting that my interest is heading in a direction where I especially feel the least qualified. How can I move forward from here?”

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